[. . . ] Hi-Gain TM Wireless-300N Smart Repeater Pro MODEL: HAW2R1 PACKAGE CONTENTS: x One Hi-GainTM - 300N Smart Repeater Pro x 2x 3dBi Hi-Gain Omni Directional Antennas x 1x 13dBi Hi-Gain Omni Directional Antennas x One Mac/PC CD (includes User's Manual and Support Utility for PC) x One RJ-45 Ethernet Cable x One Power Adapter x Easy to follow Quick Installation Guide Unleash Your Wireless Network with the powerful dual-radio repeater, HAW2R1 Smart Repeater Pro! [. . . ] Simply power up the Smart Repeater Pro, use a web browser on your Wi-Fi enabled laptop or desktop to configure the repeater, and then find an location to place the HAW2R1. Applications The powerful technology and incredibly user-friendly setup make the HAW2R1 Smart Repeater an ideal solution for any wireless application. Use the HAW2R1 to obtain and create a wireless network from a local hot spot, extend your homewireless network, or extend a wireless connection from building-to-building. The versatility of the Hi-Gain Smart Repeater Pro makes it the perfect solution for home owners, small business owners, recreation vehicle owners, and boat owners. FEATURES 5HSHDWV DQG UHEURDGFDVWV ZLUHOHVV VLJQDOV WR \RXU KRPH RIILFH RU EXVLQHVV ([WHQGV \RXU H[LVWLQJ ZLUHOHVV QHWZRUN DW XS WR 0ESV , QFUHDVHV \RXU ZLUHOHVV SHUIRUPDQFH RI XS WR +L*DLQ G%L $QWHQQD DQ DPSOLILHG PRGXOH DQG D GHGLFDWHG UHFHLYLQJ :L)L UDGLR DOORZV \RX WR FRQQHFW WR \RXU ZLUHOHVV source at a longer distance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ual Radio Wireless Repeater Hi-Gain TM Wireless-300N Smart Repeater Pro MODEL: HAW2R1 &RQQHFWV DQG UHSHDWV DQ\ RSHQ ZLUHOHVV EJQ VLJQDOV 'HVLJQHG ZLWK 7ZR :L)L 5DGLRV 'XDO5DGLR 'HVLJQ RQH IRU UHFHLYLQJ DQG one for rebroadcasing signals G%L 'LUHFWLRQDO $QWHQQD DQG WKH SRZHU DPSOLILHG PRGXOH ERRVW WKH RYHU UHYHLYLQJ UDQJH E\ XS WR ; 7ZR G%L 2PQL 'LUHFWLRQDO $QWHQQDV HQKDQFHV WKH ZLUHOHVV UDGLXV DQG SURYLGHV D ODUJHU ZLUHOHVV FRYHUDJH )XOO URXWHU IHDWXUHV DOORZ \RX WR VHFXUH DQG PDQDJH \RXU H[WHQGHG QHWZRUN 5HPRYDEOH DQWHQQDV DOORZV TXLFN DQG HDV\ UDQJH XSJUDGHV , QVWDOOV LQ PLQXWHV 1R VRIWZDUH UHTXLUHG 6LPSO\ VFDQ IRU WKH ZLUHOHVV Internet network and select the connection NETWORK DIAGRAM SOLUTIONS FOR THE HOME Hi-Gain Wireless-N Smart Repeater Pro HAW2R1 TM Extend a wireless signal to your backyard HotSpot Wired Wired Desktop FOR THE OFFICE Hi-GainTM Wireless-N Smart Repeater Pro HAW2R1 Connect to a wireless network from one office to another Hi-GainTM 14dBi Outdoor Directional Antenna Kit HAO14SDP Media Center Wireless Router Wireless Laptop FOR MARINERS Connect to an on shore wireless connection or hotspot and redistribute it to your boat or yacht HOW IT WORKS HotS Spot Hi-GainTM Wireless-N Smart Repeater Pro 1 captures an external wireless signal Hi-GainTM 13dBi Directional Antenna Connect to a wireless hotspot and rebroadcast that signal throughout your RV and its surroundings FOR RV OWNERS rebroadcast 2 Two more antennasarea at full Wi-Fi signal in your strength RV Host ost HotSpot pot Hi-GainTM Wireless-N Smart Repeater Pro HAW2R1 Hi-Gain TM 300-N Smart Repeater Pro MODEL: HAW2R1 HAWKING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 35 HAMMOND SUITE 150 x I R V I N E , C A 9 2 6 1 8 SALES: (888) 662-8828 E-MAIL: sales@hawkingtech. com FAX: (949) 206-9072 TECHNICAL SUPPORT: techsupport@hawkingtech. com SCAN, CONNECT, & GO! [. . . ] This Utility may often be used in conjunction with support calls from our support department or by the user when on site or for quick configuration purposes. © 2011 Hawking Technology, Inc. [. . . ]