[. . . ] 1 Cambridge Audio Gallery Court Hankey Place London SE1 4BB England www. cambridge-audio. com 17th April 2007 AP21513/2 Setting up "Album Art Cover Downloader" Software Guide Introduction Album Art Cover Downloader is third party software used to locate album artwork over the internet using popular search engines and websites. [. . . ] We also cannot guarantee that the downloader software will not be changed by its authors. Download and install the "Album Art Cover Downloader" software. Run "Album Art Cover Downloader" by selecting, Start/Programs/Album Art Cover Downloader and select the Album Art Cover Downloader link, on your PC. When the software has loaded, select the "Settings" tab, then select "Configure Album Art Cover Downloader. " 3. Cambridge Audio April 2007 2 4. Select "ID3v2 tags" within "Recognizers. " Make sure this is enabled as shown below. 5. Now select "Path Name. " The picture below shows the config settings required to maximise finding albums for the 640H. If this isn't already set by default, please enable this feature and fill in the details exactly as shown below. Cambridge Audio April 2007 3 6. [. . . ] Within the "Windows Media Player" menu, leave the "Image size" set as "Default. " 9. Press "OK" to save the settings. The software is now optimised to get the best album art required for the 640H. [. . . ]