[. . . ] He or she will then register your details, request a license and add the domain to AMES. You will receive an order confirmation email with details such as MX records. One user will be created (see catch-all user) and the mail delivery will be set to the currently used mail server. This means, you could go to the next step without any further configuration and your mail flow will not be interrupted. 2. 2 Configuring the DNS server Normally this is something your partner does for you, but if for some reason you need to do this yourself, we'll guide you in the process. [. . . ] See 3. 4 Configuring LDAP. Avira GmbH Avira Managed Email Security - User Guide 6 3 Changing settings for your AMES domains You can add a new user manually, in the Users tab. Click Add to open the Add user to domain dialog: Type the User name and Password for your new user. If you'd like this user to be able to manage his/ her own domain settings trough https://ames. avira. com, enable the Domain admin option. You can apply the settings from an existing user, by selecting it from the dropdown list Copy settings from. This is done so you can review the settings before they take effect. 3. 3 Adding a user alias An alias can be used to assign multiple email addresses to one user. If you'd like to create an alias, select the user from the User tab. The Services tab Avira GmbH Avira Managed Email Security - User Guide 7 3 Changing settings for your AMES domains for the selected user opens: Add one or more email addresses in the alias field (e. g. WARNING: If you'd like to use a catch-all address, use the form mentioned in the image above: *@domain. demo, but please note: The use of a so-called catch-all setting, where every combination of characters in front of the domain name is accepted as an email address (*@example. com), makes your domain extra vulnerable to spam and viruses. This is why AMES enables advanced greylisting for all catch-all users. This technique bounces emails from unknown senders the first time, and will accept only the second or later attempt. Because a lot of spam servers will not try to resend emails, greylisting significantly reduces the amount of emails that must be filtered and scanned. NOTE: Since the time it takes for the emails to be re-delivered depends on the sender's mail server, thus delaying the email delivery, Avira discourages the use of a "catch-all" setting. The best approach is to create a separate user account in AMES for every user you have. The LDAP feature can really cut the time spent on this task. 3. 4 Configuring LDAP This setting is only available to Avira Partners, because of the possible consequences of misconfiguration. Please contact your Avira partner for more information. Avira GmbH Avira Managed Email Security - User Guide 8 3 Changing settings for your AMES domains 3. 5 Changing mail delivery-options To change mail delivery settings, select a User and go to the Services tab. Under Mail deliver options, you can choose between two methods: · Activate SMTP Deliver. Under SMTP Deliver server(s), you can add one or more servers to which AMES will deliver the emails. Under Forward your e-mail to this address, you can type one or more email addresses to which AMES will deliver emails. · Press Save when done. 3. 6 Customizing banners AMES allows you to append a custom message to the bottom of an outgoing or incoming email. Avira GmbH Avira Managed Email Security - User Guide 9 3 Changing settings for your AMES domains Adding a banner to incoming emails You can add a user-specific banner to incoming emails. Select the User you'd like to add a banner for and go to the Banner tab. Then select a banner option under Mail banner/footer, write the banner text in the text area if you chose Custom banner, and click Save. Adding a banner to outgoing emails You can add a domain-specific banner to outgoing emails. Select the Domain you'd like to add a banner for and go to the Banner tab. Then select a banner option under Mail banner, write the banner text in the text area if you chose Custom banner, and click Save. Avira GmbH Avira Managed Email Security - User Guide 10 3 Changing settings for your AMES domains 3. 7 Email filtering and statistics AMES supports a variety of email filtering and analysis tools. What to do with intercepted spam or viruses By default, AMES sends all intercepted emails to quarantine, for filtering. You may also choose a different behavior, such as to tag the email and then send it, or even to remove it immediately. Choose a User for which you'd like to configure the spam and virus handling and click the Quarantine tab. Select the action you want to apply to infected emails, spam emails or filtered content: · Under handle viruses: select Quarantine, if infected emails should be quarantined for 14 days, then deleted; or select Remove, if infected emails should be deleted immediately (default setting). You can also choose to delete specific emails, or delete all messages in the quarantine. AMES will automatically delete spam after 30 days. Content Filter quarantine In the ContentFilter quarantine you will find all blocked emails, based on size, attachment or your own customized rules. [. . . ] You will also find a report on the top 10 viruses that have been intercepted by Avira, and a list of the top 25 senders and recipients of emails. Avira GmbH Avira Managed Email Security - User Guide 14 4 Statistics and Reports 4. 2 Creating reports To schedule a report, select a User then click the Report tab. Enable Virus notification, to be notified whenever a virus is intercepted. Enable Spam quarantine to receive a daily summary on spam, according to the settings you make under Reporting options: · · · · · · · Report language Report address Report Times Blacklist Obvious Spam Sort by Charset block When done press Save. NOTE: We advise that you let AMES generate a report on a daily basis, especially when you have just started using AMES or if you use severe filtering settings for spam. If you would like to release emails listed in the spam report email, you can use the Whitelist Options: Release Only , Safe Sender, Safe Domain. Avira GmbH Avira Managed Email Security - User Guide 15 5 Support 5 Support All necessary information on our comprehensive support service can be obtained from our website http://www. avira. com. [. . . ]