[. . . ] Part Number 18030-999-4 Cybex Bravo Lift Owner's Manual Strength Systems www. cybexintl. com Table of Contents Safety Safety Guidelines And Practices . . 26 26 27 28 28 Cybex® and the Cybex logo are registered trademarks of Cybex International, Inc. DISCLAIMER: Cybex International, Inc. , makes no representations or warranties regarding the contents of this manual. We reserve the right to revise this document at any time or to make changes to the product described within it without notice or obligation to notify any person of such revisions or changes. [. . . ] FEATURES SHOWN FINISH: PERPENDICULAR OR PARALLEL SHALL BE SO WITHIN ± 1° OWATONNA DECAL, WT PLATE (20 - 400) DWG. APPR. 125 SIZE B/C 1:1 SCALE 2 OF 2 4800-556 18030canfitthrough doorway 2. Attach foot pads to each foot of frame. 13000-354 13000-354 13000-354 PR07004 11 19. 306 1. 018 2. 034 3. 050 4. 066 5. 082 6. 098 7. 114 8. 128 9. 146 . 750 0 Cybex 18030 Bravo Lift Owner's Manual If Then Two people will be required for this procedure 1. Remove front panel from machine. 18030cannotfit through doorway Remove weight stack 1. Remove spiral pin connecting pulley using a hammer and a 3/16" pin punch. Spiral pin 12 Cybex 18030 Bravo Lift Owner's Manual If Then 1. Guide rod cap contains a compression spring that will fly if grasp is not released slowly. Slide spring loaded guide rod cap down guide rod until cap is clear of frame. Remove the pin spring with a 3/16" punch and hammer securing handle to ball stop and remove handle. Handle 18030Cannotfit through doorway Pin Spring BHSCS/Ball Stop 2. Remove the two Button Head Socket Head Cap Screws (BHSCS) securing the ball stop together with a 1/8"Allen wrench. Remove the BHSCS and locknut securing the pulley using a 7/32" Allen wrench and a 9/16" wrench. BHSCS/ Locknut 4. Repeat steps above for opposite handle, ball stop, pulley and cable. 13 Cybex 18030 Bravo Lift Owner's Manual If Then Two people will be required for this procedure Separate frame 1. Remove the eight BHSCS securing the platform to the frame using a 7/32"Allen wrench and a 9/16" wrench. 18030Cannotfit through doorway BHSCS/ Locknut Qty 8 2. Securelyanchormachinetothefloor To maximize stability, equipment must be secured to a solid level surface. · Cybex · Use · If is not responsible for the actual anchoring of equipment. tensile capacity (3/8'' grade 2 bolts or better). legs/frame does not contact surface, DO NOT pull down with anchors. Shim any leg or framenotincontactwithsurfaceusingflatwashers. 14 Cybex 18030 Bravo Lift Owner's Manual Install individual weight plates one at at time 1. Position each weight plate so wide edges of bushings face upward and narrow edges of bushings face downward. RE COR CT WRO NG Wide bushing edge faces upward 2. Place a small amount of loctite® on BHSCS and inside threads of ball stop. Attach pulley mount to lifting post with spiral pin using a hammer and 3/16" pin punch. Spiral pin 8. Lift top weight up and down simulating normal operation (without selecting any resistance). Install back panels Verify proper operation 15 Cybex 18030 Bravo Lift Owner's Manual Exercise Intended Use The intended use of this machine is to aid or improve general physical fitness and exercise for commercial use. Instructions Read and understand all instructions and warnings prior to using this machine in the Safety section of the Owner's Manual. SQUAT SQUAT SQUAT DEADLIFT DEADLIFT DEADLIFT S Motions Developed Hip Extension, Knee Extension Muscles Used Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings Motions Developed Hip Extension, Knee Extension Muscles Used Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings 16 Cybex 18030 Bravo Lift Owner's Manual LUNGE STIFF-LEGGED DEADLIFT STIFF-LEGGED DEADLIFT STIFF-LEGGED DEADLIFT LUNGE LUNGE Motions Developed Hip Extension Muscles Used Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings Motions Developed Hip Extension, Knee Extension Muscles Used Quadriceps, Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings 17 Cybex 18030 Bravo Lift Owner's Manual Maintenance All preventive maintenance activities must be performed on a regular basis. Performing routine preventive maintenance actions can aid in providing safe, trouble-free operation of all Cybex Strength Systems equipment. [. . . ] To speak with a customer service representative, call 888-462-9239 (for customers living within the USA) or 508-533-4300 (for customers outside the USA). The following information located on the serial number decal will assist our Cybex representatives in serving you. · Unit Serial Number, Product Name and Model Number This product may be produced under one or more of the following patents Made in U. S. A. MODEL# 8810-90 SERIAL# XXXXXXXXXXXXX 1 9 7 5 2 4 th Av e S W O w a to n n a , MN . 5 5 0 6 0 1-888-462-9239 5, 628, 715 5, 722, 921 6, 743, 158 7, 338, 415 D481, 428 D490, 128 D491, 238 7, 727, 128 5, 643, 152 5, 620, 402 7, 179, 209 7, 503, 882 D486, 535 D490, 865 D497, 190 7, 717, 831 5, 616, 107 6, 488, 612 7, 335, 139 D480, 773 D490, 127 D491, 237 6, 033, 350 · · · · Part Description and Part Number if you have it. [. . . ]