[. . . ] 35126120-vmd6-GB 1/08/00 14:24 Page Cov1 VMD 6 User manual ENGLISH CONTENTS AUTOMATIC DEMONSTRATION 5 GETTING STARTED 6 ­ 13 RECORDING 14 ­ 30 14 17 18 21 31 32 34 36 Basic Recording For Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA PLAYBACK 31 ­ 39 VMD6 Basic Playback For Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONNECTIONS 40 ­ 43 Basic Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 DUBBING 44 ­ 47 44 45 46 47 Dubbing To A VCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] Images shot with devices that are not compatible with DCF cannot be viewed with this camcorder; "Unsupported Data!" will be displayed. 100 ­ 0011 11 / 50 100 ­ 0012 12 / 50 100 ­ 0013 Directory and File names Displays the directory and file names. Shows that the selected shot is in a directory called "100" and its file name is "DVC00013". Each time shooting takes place, a file name is made using a number which is larger by one than the largest number of the file names which are in use. If the file name reaches DVC09999, a new directory will be made and the file name will start again from DVC00001. In the playback screen, the directory and only the last four digits of the file name are displayed. 13 / 50 To display the previous image Total number of images Displays the total number of stored images. 35). VMD6 EN(02/39) 34 28/08/00, 15:50 EN Picture Quality mode Index number Selected image 35 INDEX Screen The images you shot can be displayed together with their index information. Convenient for checking images shot beforehand, the INDEX Screen also shows the Picture Quality mode as well as which images are protected against accidental erasure. EXIT 001 F <INDEX> 002 S 003 S 001: Index number Index numbers are marked from 001. For example, when 10 images are stored (index number: 001 to 010), if three images with index numbers 002, 004 and 006 are deleted from memory, the remaining images are automatically moved up to fill any gaps in the numerical sequence. Therefore, the number of remaining images is 7, and the new index numbers range from 001 to 007. 004 F 005 F 006 F F/S: Picture Quality mode Protect icon Displays the Picture Quality mode of the stored image. There are 2 modes available: FINE and STANDARD (in order of quality) ( pg. 12). Power Switch PL OFF AY : Protect icon When an image is protected against its accidental erasure, a padlock mark appears next to the Picture Quality mode indicator, and that image cannot be deleted. Lock Button MENU/BRIGHT Wheel Selected Image An image is framed in green like this when it is selected. Rotate MENU/BRIGHT to move the green frame to the desired image. Index Playback You can view the images stored in memory six at a time. Use this mode when looking for an image you wish to view. Display D S C ME NU 1R E T URN I ND E X S L I D E S HOW P RO T E C T DE L E T E F ORMA T Menu Screen 1 2 3 4 5 Perform step 1 of "Normal Playback" on pg. " and press it. Rotate MENU/BRIGHT to select "INDEX" and press it. Rotate MENU/BRIGHT to move the green frame to the desired image and press it. The selected image is displayed on the whole screen, then the screen enters normal playback. Playback Screen VMD6 EN(02/39) 35 28/08/00, 15:50 36 EN Power Switch PLAYBACK Advanced Features For D. S. C. Slide Show You can run through all the images stored in memory automatically in numerical order. OFF AY PL 1 Lock Button MENU/BRIGHT Wheel Set the VIDEO/DSC Switch to " ", then set the Power Switch to " ", while pressing down the Lock Button. " and press it. 2 3 4 5 Play/Pause (4/6) Button Rotate MENU/BRIGHT to select "SLIDE SHOW" and press it. To stop the Slide Show, press 5. Stop (5) Button To start the Slide Show without going through the Menu Screen . To stop the Slide Show, press 5. VIDEO/DSC Switch (Open the LCD monitor to access this switch. ) Display D S C ME NU 1R E T URN I ND E X S L I D E S HOW P RO T E C T DE L E T E F ORMA T VMD6 EN(02/39) 36 28/08/00, 15:50 EN MENU/BRIGHT Wheel 37 Protecting Images The Protect mode helps prevent the accidental erasure of images. When a padlock mark is displayed next to the Picture Quality Mode indication, that image cannot be deleted. 1 PL Set the VIDEO/DSC Switch to " ", then set the Power Switch to " " while pressing down the Lock Button. The PROTECT Index Screen appears. VIDEO/DSC Switch (Open the LCD monitor to access this switch. ) OFF AY 2 3 4 5 Lock Button Power Switch Display D S C ME NU TO PROTECT AN IMAGE Before doing the following, perform steps 1 through 3 above. Rotate MENU/BRIGHT to move the green frame to the desired image and press it. [. . . ] If, after using the cleaning cassette, the problems still exist, consult your nearest THOMSON dealer. Mechanical moving parts used to move the video heads and video tape tend to become dirty and worn out over time. In order to maintain a clear picture at all times, periodic check-ups are recommended after using the unit for about 1, 000 hours. For periodic check-ups please consult your nearest THOMSON dealer. About moisture condensation . [. . . ]