[. . . ] KÜHLGEFRIERSCHRANK REFRIGERATEURCONGELATEUR FRIDGE-FREEZER FRIGORIFERO CONGELATORE ZK 24/9 AGO BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG MODE D'EMPLOI INSTRUCTION BOOKLET LIBRETTO ISTRUZIONI 2222 326-01 AVVERTENZE E CONSIGLI IMPORTANTI È molto importante che questo libretto istruzioni sia conservato assieme all'apparecchiatura per qualsiasi futura consultazione. Se l'apparecchiatura dovesse essere venduta o trasferita ad un'altra persona, assicurarsi che il libretto venga fornito assieme, in modo che il nuovo utente possa essere messo al corrente del funzionamento della macchina e delle avvertenze relative. Qualora questa apparecchiatura, munita di chiusura magnetica, venisse usata in sostituzione di una con chiusura a scatto, consigliamo di rendere quest'ultima inservibile, prima di mettere da parte la vecchia apparecchiatura. Cio' eviterà che i bambini, giocando, vi rimangano intrappolati, con grave pericolo per la loro vita. [. . . ] The defrost water drains out through a trough into a special container at the back of the appliance, over the motor compressor, where it evaporates. It is important to periodically clean the defrost water drain hole in the middle of the refrigerator compartment channel to prevent the water overflowing and dripping onto the food inside. Use the special cleaner provided, which you will find already inserted into the drain hole. The freezer compartment, however, will become progressively covered with frost. This should be removed with the special plastic scraper provided, whenever the thickness of the frost exceeds 4 mm. During this operation it is not necessary to switch off the power supply or to remove the foodstuffs. Never use sharp metal tools to scrape off frost from the evaporator as you could damage it. 20 33 D037 HINTS Hints for refrigeration Useful hints: Meat (all types): wrap in polythene bags and place on the glass shelf above the vegetable drawer. Cooked foods, cold dishes, etc. . : these should be covered and may be placed on any shelf. Fruit and vegetables: these should be thoroughly cleaned and placed in the special drawer(s) provided. Butter and cheese: these should be placed in special airtight containers or wrapped in aluminium foil or polythene bags to exclude as much air as possible. Milk bottles: these should have a cap and should be stored in the bottle rack on the door. Bananas, potatoes, onions and garlic, if not packed, must not be kept in the refrigerator. · · the symbols on the drawers show different types of frozen goods. The numbers indicate storage times in months for the appropriate types of frozen goods. Whether the upper or lower value of the indicated storage time is valid depends on the quality of the foods and pretreating before freezing; do not put carbonated liquids (fizzy drinks, etc. ) in the freezer compartment as they may burst. CONSEILS Conseils pour la réfrigeration Où placer les denrées?Viandes (de toutes sortes): enveloppez-la dans des sachets en plastique et placez-la sur la tablette en verre au-dessus du(des) bac(s) à légumes. La période de conservation est de 1 à 2 jours au maximum. Aliments cuits, plats froids, etc. : placez-les, bien couverts, sur une clayette. Fruits et légumes: bac(s) à légumes (une fois nettoyés). Beurre et fromage: enveloppez-les soigneusement dans des feuilles d'aluminium ou de polyéthylène et mettez-les dans les casiers appropriés. Lait en bouteille: à placer dans l'un des balconnets de la contreporte. [. . . ] Warning: when the ambient temperature is not included within the range indicated for the class of this appliance, the following instructions must be observed: when the ambient temperature drops below the minimum level, the storage temperature in the freezer compartment cannot be guaranteed; therefore it is advisable to use the food stored as soon as possible. Manufacturers' storage recommendations should be strictly adhered to. The inner lining of the appliance consists of channels through which the refrigerant passes. If these should be punctured this would damage the appliance beyond repair and cause food loss. [. . . ]