[. . . ] € If a fault occurs or the unit is damaged, do not attempt to repair the unit yourself, as this will void the warranty. Contact your dealer and only have repairs carried out by authorized service partners. 14 1 Safety Information • Do not immerse the thermometer in water or other liquids. However, should moisture somehow get into the unit, remove the battery and do not take any further readings with the thermometer. [. . . ] 16 2 Operation Once the sensor is correctly positioned in the auditory canal, use your index finger to press the START button  on the back of the unit. When the reading is successfully completed, you will hear a short tone and can remove the unit from the ear. The display will immediately show the temperature measured and automatically store the result. In the case of a raised body temperature (above 37, 5 °C / 99, 5 °F) you will hear 10 short tones after the reading has been taken. 5 seconds, the unit will be ready to take another reading when the unit of measurement symbol (°C / °F) starts to flash. In each of the following cases, you should take three consecutive readings in the same ear, using the highest reading as a reference: • With newly born children under 3 months old. € With children under 3 years of age who suffer from diseases of the immune system, and with persons for whom deviations from normal body temperature can be dangerous. € If you are not familiar with taking temperature and there are large discrepancies between consecutive readings. 3 Other temperature readings The infra-red thermometer can also be used to measure the temperature of surfaces, such as the skin or of babies’ bottles. To do this, switch on the thermometer and hold the sensor gently against the object to be measured. Give the START button  a short press and keep the thermometer in place until a long tone sounds, signalling the end of the reading. The result is shown on the backlit LCD display and stored automatically. If the result is not within the range 32 °C to 42, 2 °C, a crossed-out ear symbol will appear in the display. 4 Switching off The thermometer features an energy-saving function and will switch off automatically if no buttons are pressed for 45 seconds. You may also switch off the unit with a short press of the ON/OFF button . 1 Recalling stored data The MEDISANA FTO infra-red ear thermometer can store up to 12 results. You can call up your stored data with a short press of the START button , without having previously switched on the thermometer with the ON/OFF button . After a further short press of the START button , memory slot number 1 will appear in the unlit display, followed directly by the last stored temperature reading. With a further press of the START button , you can call up the result stored in memory slot “2”. A total of 12 memory slots are available, and these will be displayed in order if you continue to press the START button . [. . . ] € If the thermometer is used as described in these instructions, no regular maintenance or calibration is required. 3 Disposal Dispose of your old electrical unit in an environmentally acceptable manner when it has reached the end of its service life!Packaging is re-usable or may be re-cycled; metal parts must be disposed of as scrap metal; plastics, electrical and electronic components must be disposed of as electroscrap. Consult your municipal authority or your dealer for information about disposal. [. . . ]