[. . . ] Timer; public class ShortTimer extends Sprite { public function ShortTimer() { // creates a new five-second Timer var minuteTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000, 5); // designates listeners for the interval and completion events minuteTimer. Start(); } public function onTick(event:TimerEvent):void { // displays the tick count so far // The target of this event is the Timer instance itself. */ public function initClock(faceSize:Number = 200) { // creates the clock face and adds it to the display list face = new AnalogClockFace(Math. Rotation = 180 + (minutes * 6); // Multiply by 30 to get basic degrees, then // add up to 29. [. . . ] NetStream; public class CustomNetStream extends NetStream { private var nc:NetConnection; public var onMetaData:Function; public var onCuePoint:Function; public function CustomNetStream() { onMetaData = metaDataHandler; onCuePoint = cuePointHandler; nc = new NetConnection(); nc. NetStream; public dynamic class DynamicCustomNetStream extends NetStream { private var nc:NetConnection; public function DynamicCustomNetStream() { nc = new NetConnection(); nc. MouseEvent; public class onMetaDataExample extends Sprite { var video:Video = new Video(); public function onMetaDataExample():void { var videoConnection:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); videoConnection. Video; public class onXMPDataExample extends Sprite { public function onXMPDataExample():void { var videoConnection:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); videoConnection. Data); var cuePoints:Array = new Array(); var cuePoint:Object; var strFrameRate:String; var nTracksFrameRate:Number; var strTracks:String = ""; var onXMPXML = new XML(infoObject. Data); // Set up namespaces to make referencing easier var xmpDM:Namespace = new Namespace("http://ns. Length); nTracksFrameRate = Number(strFrameRate); strTracks += it; } var onXMPTracksXML:XML = new XML(strTracks); var strCuepoints:String = ""; for each (var item:XML in onXMPTracksXML. Public function onTextData(textData:Object):void { // display the track number trace(textData. Trackid); // displays the text, which can be a null string, indicating old text // that should be erased trace(textData. NetStream; public class NetStreamEventMonitor { private var netmon:NetMonitor; private var heartbeat:Timer = new Timer( 5000 ); public function NetStreamEventMonitor() { //Create NetMonitor object netmon = new NetMonitor(); netmon. Start(); } //On new NetStream private function newNetStream( event:NetMonitorEvent ):void { trace( "New Netstream object"); var stream:NetStream = event. NET_STATUS, onStatus); } //On data events from a NetStream object private function onStreamData( event:NetDataEvent ):void { var netStream:NetStream = event. 0 Utilisation de la vidéo 521 //handle text break; default: //handle other events } } //On status events from a NetStream object private function onStatus( event:NetStatusEvent ):void { trace( "Status event from " + event. Time ); //handle status events } //On heartbeat timer private function onHeartbeat( event:TimerEvent ):void { var streams:Vector. Stop(); playNextVideo(); break; } } catch (error:TypeError) { // Ignore any errors. Private function timerHandler(event:TimerEvent):void { try { positionBar. ToFixed(1) + " seconds"; } catch (error:Error) { // Ignore this error. 0 Utilisation de la vidéo 533 public class SimpleStageVideo extends Sprite private var nc:NetConnection; private var ns:NetStream; public function SimpleStageVideo() { // Constructor for SimpleStageVideo class // Make sure the app is visible and stage available addEventListener(Event. RENDER_STATE // event to handle resize properly and know about the acceleration mode running video. 0 Utilisation de la vidéo 534 private var sv:StageVideo; private var video:Video; private function onStageVideoState(event:StageVideoAvailabilityEvent):void { // Detect if StageVideo is available and decide what to do in toggleStageVideo toggleStageVideo(event. AVAILABLE); } private function toggleStageVideo(on:Boolean):void { // To choose StageVideo attach the NetStream to StageVideo if (on) { stageVideoInUse = true; if ( sv == null ) { sv = stage. AttachNetStream(ns); } if (classicVideoInUse) { // If you use StageVideo, remove from the display list the // Video object to avoid covering the StageVideo object // (which is always in the background) stage. [. . . ] // The bottom is also automatically resized if the number of lines of text // exceed the length of the text field. AppendText("more data to trace\n"); // Use the following line to clear the text field. 0 Utilisation des exemples de code ActionScript 1152 // Use a text size that works well on the device. 0 Prise en charge de SQL dans les bases de données locales 1169 expr ::= like-op ::= binary-op ::= unary-op ::= parameter ::= value-list ::= literal-value ::= literal-null literal-string ::= 'string value' literal-number ::= integer | number literal-boolean ::= true | false literal-blob ::= X'string of hexadecimal data' literal-null ::= NULL expr binary-op expr | expr [NOT] like-op expr [ESCAPE expr] | unary-op expr | ( expr ) | column-name | table-name. [. . . ]