[. . . ] 2-36-9, Maeno-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 174-8639, JAPAN (http://www. pentax. co. jp/) PENTAX Europe GmbH (European Headquarters) Julius-Vosseler-Strasse, 104, 22527 Hamburg, GERMANY (HQ - http://www. pentaxeurope. com) (Germany - http://www. pentax. de) PENTAX U. K. Limited PENTAX House, Heron Drive, Langley, Slough, Berks SL3 8PN, U. K. (http://www. pentax. fr) Widenholzstrasse 1, 8304 Wallisellen, Postfach 367 8305 PENTAX (Schweiz) AG Dietlikon, SWITZERLAND (http://www. pentax. ch) PENTAX Scandinavia AB P. O. Box 650, 75127 Uppsala, SWEDEN (http://www. pentax. se) PENTAX Imaging Company A Division of PENTAX of America, Inc. [. . . ] · When operating with the remote control unit, only the optical zoom is available. Digital Zoom and Intelligent Zoom are not available with the remote control unit. 4 Taking Pictures 79 Life of the Battery for the Remote Control Unit A signal can be sent from the remote control unit to the camera approximately 30, 000 times. Contact your nearest PENTAX customer service center if the battery needs changing. (A charge is made for changing the battery. ) Shutter release button Zoom button Four-way controller MENU button Using Zoom to Change the Subject Size The camera allows you to zoom in the subject at distance or zoom out to capture the expansive scenery. 4 Taking Pictures 80 1 Press the zoom button in Capture mode. Zoom button (w) : Diminishes the subject (Wide). When you press and hold the button, the camera automatically switches from optical zoom to Intelligent Zoom, and Intelligent Zoom to Digital Zoom. 198 2. 0 x Zoom bar Zoom ratio The zoom bar is displayed as follow. Zoom in with high image quality. Zoom in with some degree of image deterioration. Optical zoom range*1 Intelligent Zoom range*2 Digital Zoom range *1 You can zoom in maximum 3× optically. *2 The Intelligent Zoom range differs depending on the recorded pixels. See the following table. Recorded pixels and the maximum zoom ratio Recorded pixels 10M 7M 5M 3M 2M 1024 640 Intelligent Zoom *3 Not available (3× optical zoom available) Approx. 16. 3 × (Same as 16. 3 × Digital Zoom) Equivalent to approx. 16. 3× Digital Zoom *3 *3 The ratio of 3× optical zoom included. · Intelligent Zoom is not available under the following conditions. (3× optical zoom available) - In Digital SR Mode or Movie mode · The image enlarged using Intelligent Zoom may appear rough on the LCD monitor. Set Movie SR to Off in [A Rec. Mode] menu to use the Digital Zoom in Movie mode. (1 p. 101) 4 Taking Pictures Setting the Digital Zoom The [Digital Zoom] is set to [O(On)] by default. To take pictures using only the optical zoom, set the [Digital Zoom] to [P(Off)]. 1 2 3 4 Press the MENU button in Capture mode. The [A Rec. Mode] menu appears. Use the four-way controller (23) to select [Digital Zoom]. Press the shutter release button halfway. The camera is ready for taking pictures. Rec. Mode EV Compensation ±0. 0 Movie Shake Reduction Digital Zoom Instant Review 0. 5sec Memory MENU Exit Saving the Digital Zoom Function Setting 1p. 110 81 Setting the Shooting Functions Four-way controller OK button 4 Taking Pictures 82 Selecting the Focus Mode Focus Mode = Standard (Autofocus mode) q Macro mode r Super Macro mode Pan Focus mode The camera focuses on the object in the autofocus area when the shutter release button is pressed halfway. The camera focuses on the object in the autofocus area when the shutter release button is pressed halfway. The camera focuses on the object in the autofocus area when the shutter release button is pressed halfway. This mode is used when shooting close and distant subjects together or the subject is hard to focus on. 3. 7 m (12. 14 ft. ) ­ (full telephoto) This mode is used for taking distant objects. s Infinity mode Manual Focus mode Adjust the focus manually with the four-way controller. [. . . ] Therefore, we recommend that you review the warranty card supplied with your product at the time of purchase, or contact the PENTAX distributor in your country for more information and to receive a copy of the warranty policy. 8 Appendix The CE Mark is a Directive conformity mark of the European Union. 193 For customers in USA STATEMENT OF FCC COMPLIANCE This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. [. . . ]