[. . . ] This manual is based on the production version of the QCP 6035 smartphone by Kyocera. Kyocera reserves the right to make changes in technical and product specifications without prior notice. The products and equipment described in this documentation are manufactured under license from QUALCOMM Incorporated under one or more of the following U. S. Patents: 4, 901, 307 5, 228, 054 5, 307, 405 D356, 560 5, 442, 322 5, 479, 475 5, 506, 865 5, 519, 761 5, 546, 459 5, 566, 357 D375, 937 5, 594, 718 5, 608, 722 5, 629, 955 5, 652, 814 5, 675, 581 5, 696, 468 5, 710, 784 5, 056, 109 5, 257, 283 5, 309, 474 5, 408, 697 5, 442, 627 5, 483, 696 5, 509, 015 5, 528, 593 5, 548, 812 5, 568, 483 5, 588, 043 5, 596, 570 5, 614, 806 5, 629, 975 5, 654, 979 5, 675, 644 5, 697, 055 5, 715, 236 5, 099, 204 5, 265, 119 5, 337, 338 5, 414, 728 5, 452, 473 5, 485, 486 5, 509, 035 5, 530, 928 5, 559, 881 5, 574, 773 D376, 804 5, 600, 754 5, 617, 060 5, 638, 412 5, 655, 220 5, 680, 395 5, 703, 902 5, 715, 526 5, 101, 501 5, 267, 261 5, 339, 046 5, 414, 796 5, 461, 639 5, 487, 175 5, 511, 067 5, 533, 011 5, 559, 865 5, 574, 987 5, 589, 756 5, 602, 834 5, 621, 752 5, 640, 414 5, 657, 420 5, 687, 229 5, 704, 001 5, 722, 044 5, 103, 459 5, 267, 262 5, 341, 456 5, 416, 797 5, 469, 115 5, 490, 165 5, 511, 073 5, 535, 239 5, 561, 618 D375, 740 5, 590, 069 5, 602, 833 5, 621, 784 5, 642, 398 5, 659, 569 D386, 186 5, 708, 448 5, 722, 053 5, 107, 225 5, 280, 472 5, 383, 219 5, 426, 392 5, 469, 471 5, 497, 395 5, 513, 176 5, 539, 531 5, 564, 083 5, 576, 662 5, 590, 406 5, 603, 096 5, 621, 853 5, 644, 591 5, 663, 807 5, 689, 557 5, 710, 521 5, 722, 061 5, 109, 390 5, 283, 536 5, 392, 287 5, 437, 055 5, 471, 497 5, 499, 280 5, 515, 177 5, 544, 196 5, 566, 000 5, 577, 022 5, 590, 408 5, 604, 459 5, 625, 876 5, 644, 596 5, 666, 122 5, 691, 974 5, 710, 758 5, 722, 063 5, 193, 094 5, 289, 527 5, 396, 516 D361, 065 5, 475, 870 5, 504, 773 5, 517, 323 5, 544, 223 5, 566, 206 5, 577, 265 5, 592, 548 5, 604, 730 5, 627, 857 5, 646, 991 5, 673, 259 5, 692, 006 5, 710, 768 5, 724, 385 5, 727, 123 D393, 856 5, 757, 767 5, 778, 338 5, 793, 338 5, 812, 094 5, 825, 253 5, 844, 784 5, 854, 565 5, 862, 474 5, 872, 481 5, 881, 368 5, 892, 916 5, 909, 434 5, 917, 811 5, 926, 143 5, 729, 540 5, 748, 104 5, 757, 858 5, 781, 543 D397, 110 5, 812, 097 5, 828, 348 5, 844, 885 5, 854, 786 5, 864, 760 5, 872, 774 5, 884, 157 5, 893, 035 5, 910, 752 5, 917, 812 5, 926, 470 5, 732, 134 5, 751, 725 5, 758, 266 5, 781, 856 5, 799, 005 5, 812, 538 5, 828, 661 5, 844, 899 5, 857, 147 5, 864, 763 5, 872, 775 5, 884, 193 D407, 701 5, 911, 128 5, 917, 837 5, 926, 500 5, 732, 341 5, 751, 761 5, 761, 204 5, 781, 867 5, 799, 254 5, 812, 607 5, 835, 065 5, 844, 985 5, 859, 612 5, 867, 527 5, 872, 823 5, 884, 196 5, 898, 920 5, 912, 882 5, 920, 284 5, 926, 786 5, 734, 716 5, 751, 901 5, 764, 687 5, 784, 406 5, 802, 105 5, 812, 651 5, 835, 847 5, 848, 063 5, 859, 838 5, 867, 763 5, 877, 942 5, 892, 178 5, 903, 554 D410, 893 5, 920, 834 5, 926, 786 5, 737, 687 5, 754, 533 5, 774, 496 5, 784, 532 5, 805, 648 5, 812, 938 5, 839, 052 5, 848, 099 5, 859, 840 5, 870, 427 5, 878, 036 5, 892, 758 5, 903, 862 5, 914, 950 D411, 823 5, 930, 230 5, 737, 708 5, 754, 542 5, 777, 990 5, 790, 589 5, 805, 843 5, 818, 871 5, 841, 806 5, 850, 612 5, 861, 844 5, 870, 431 5, 870, 631 5, 892, 774 D409, 561 5, 915, 235 5, 923, 650 5, 930, 692 5, 742, 734 5, 754, 733 5, 778, 024 5, 790, 632 5, 812, 036 5, 822, 318 5, 842, 124 5, 852, 421 5, 862, 471 5, 870, 674 5, 881, 053 5, 892, 816 5, 907, 167 5, 917, 708 5, 923, 705 Other patents pending. The Kyocera Smartphone User's Guide for the QCP 6035 smartphone by Kyocera hvl`bo^=tfobibpp=`lom K 10300 Campus Point Drive San Diego, California 92121 U. S. A. [. . . ] In the Messages menu, roll the shuttle down until the type of message you want to check is highlighted. To reply to a message, press when the message is highlighted. See Chapter 10, "Messages, " in the Reference Guide on the CD-ROM. 50 Kyocera QCP 6035 Smartphone User's 15 USING SPEED DIAL You can designate up to 199 phone numbers from your Address Book to be on your Speed Dial list. You can then call these phone numbers just by pressing the one-, two-, or three-digit Speed Dial number (1 through 199). Because Speed Dial is linked to the Address Book, when you change a phone number in the Address Book, it is automatically updated in the Speed Dial list. To add numbers to your Speed Dial list May be either on or off Open 1. Press the Down key or tap the scroll bar to move through the applications. If the entry has more than one phone number, select the one you want to use. The entry is added to the next available Speed Dial number. To make a call from Speed Dial (with the flip closed) On Open If you know the Speed Dial number Press the Speed Dial number on the keypad and press . NOTE: If you have One-Touch Dialing enabled, press the Speed Dial number on the keypad and hold down the final digit for a few seconds to place the call. (To enable One-Touch Dialing, see "To set Phone preferences" on page 66. ) 52 Kyocera QCP 6035 Smartphone User's If you need to look up the Speed Dial number 1. To end your call, press . Using Speed Dial 53 To make a call from Speed Dial (with the flip open) On Open 1. Press the Down key or tap the scroll bar on the right to move through the applications. . See Chapter 14, "Speed Dial, " in the Reference Guide on the CD-ROM. 54 Kyocera QCP 6035 Smartphone User's 16 USING THE TO DO LIST Use the To Do List to keep track of things you need to accomplish. May be either on or off Open 1. Tap Details to set a priority, put the item in a category, assign a due date, or mark the item as private. See Chapter 15, "To Do List, " in the Reference Guide on the CD-ROM. 56 Kyocera QCP 6035 Smartphone User's 17 USING VOICE DIAL To train the phone On Open 1. If Voice Book doesn't appear in the and select it. upper-right corner, tap the 3. If there is more than one phone number, select the one you want to use and tap Add. Repeat the name when you are instructed to do so. Using Voice Dial 57 To make a call using voice commands On May be either open or closed 1. When you hear "Speak a name" and a beep, speak the name of the person you want to call. See Chapter 16, "Voice Dial, " in the Reference Guide on the CD-ROM. 58 Kyocera QCP 6035 Smartphone User's 18 CREATING VOICE MEMOS To record and play back voice memos On Closed You can record at least 60 seconds of voice memos on your phone. When you hear "Please record at the tone" and a beep, release the shuttle and record your memo. Select the memo you want to replay. Creating voice memos 59 5. Roll the shuttle up or down to select any of the options at the bottom of the screen. (Options vary depending on what you are doing. ) When the correct option is highlighted, press the shuttle in. Play Record, Resume, or Append Stop Erase Name Pause Erase a memo Name a memo See Chapter 17, "Voice Memos, " in the Reference Guide on the CD-ROM. 60 Kyocera QCP 6035 Smartphone User's 19 ADJUSTING SOUNDS To adjust the speaker volume On, with a call in progress Closed Roll the shuttle up or down. To select a ringer sound and adjust ringer volume May be either on or off Open 1. [. . . ] Otherwise, the Software and supporting documentation may be copied only as essential for backup or archive purposes in support of your use of the Software as permitted hereunder. You must reproduce and include all copyright notices and any other proprietary rights notices appearing on the Software on any copies that you make. NO ASSIGNMENT; NO REVERSE ENGINEERING: You may transfer the Software and this License Agreement to another party if the other party agrees in writing to accept the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. If you transfer the Software, you must at the same time either transfer all copies of the Software as well as the supporting documentation to the same party or destroy any such materials not transferred. [. . . ]