[. . . ] User Guide for PhantomTM Phones This manual is based on the production version of the Kyocera KX414 phone. Kyocera reserves the right to make changes in technical and product specifications without prior notice. The products and equipment described in this documentation are manufactured under license from QUALCOMM Incorporated under one or more of the following U. S. patents: 4, 901, 307 5, 109, 390 5, 267, 262 5, 337, 338 D356, 560 5, 437, 055 5, 469, 115 5, 485, 486 5, 506, 865 5, 515, 177 5, 535, 239 5, 559, 881 5, 566, 357 5, 577, 022 5, 590, 069 5, 600, 754 ii 5, 056, 109 5, 193, 094 5, 280, 472 5, 339, 046 5, 408, 697 D361, 065 5, 469, 471 5, 487, 175 5, 509, 015 5, 517, 323 5, 539, 531 5, 559, 865 5, 568, 483 5, 577, 265 5, 590, 406 5, 602, 834 5, 099, 204 5, 228, 054 5, 283, 536 5, 341, 456 5, 414, 728 5, 442, 322 5, 471, 497 5, 490, 165 5, 509, 035 5, 519, 761 5, 544, 196 5, 561, 618 5, 574, 773 D375, 937 5, 590, 408 5, 602, 833 5, 101, 501 5, 257, 283 5, 289, 527 5, 383, 219 5, 414, 796 5, 442, 627 5, 475, 870 5, 497, 395 5, 511, 067 5, 528, 593 5, 544, 223 5, 564, 083 5, 574, 987 5, 588, 043 5, 592, 548 5, 603, 096 5, 103, 459 5, 265, 119 5, 307, 405 5, 392, 287 5, 416, 797 5, 452, 473 5, 479, 475 5, 499, 280 5, 511, 073 5, 530, 928 5, 546, 459 5, 566, 000 D375, 740 D376, 804 5, 594, 718 5, 604, 459 5, 107, 225 5, 267, 261 5, 309, 474 5, 396, 516 5, 426, 392 5, 461, 639 5, 483, 696 5, 504, 773 5, 513, 176 5, 533, 011 5, 548, 812 5, 566, 206 5, 576, 662 5, 589, 756 5, 596, 570 5, 604, 730 5, 608, 722 5, 625, 876 5, 642, 398 5, 655, 220 5, 675, 581 5, 691, 974 5, 708, 448 5, 715, 526 5, 727, 123 5, 737, 708 5, 751, 901 5, 758, 266 5, 778, 338 5, 790, 589 5, 802, 105 5, 812, 538 5, 825, 253 5, 841, 806 5, 848, 063 5, 857, 147 5, 862, 474 5, 870, 431 5, 877, 942 5, 884, 193 5, 892, 916 5, 614, 806 5, 627, 857 5, 644, 591 5, 657, 420 5, 675, 644 5, 692, 006 5, 710, 521 5, 722, 044 5, 729, 540 5, 742, 734 5, 754, 533 5, 761, 204 5, 781, 543 5, 790, 632 5, 805, 648 5, 812, 607 5, 828, 348 5, 842, 124 5, 848, 099 5, 859, 612 5, 864, 760 5, 870, 674 5, 878, 036 5, 884, 196 5, 893, 035 5, 617, 060 5, 629, 955 5, 644, 596 5, 659, 569 5, 680, 395 5, 696, 468 5, 710, 758 5, 722, 053 5, 732, 134 D393, 856 5, 754, 542 5, 764, 687 5, 781, 856 5, 793, 338 5, 805, 843 5, 812, 651 5, 828, 661 5, 844, 784 5, 850, 612 5, 859, 838 5, 864, 763 5, 872, 481 5, 870, 631 5, 892, 178 D407, 701 5, 621, 752 5, 629, 975 5, 646, 991 5, 663, 807 5, 687, 229 5, 697, 055 5, 710, 768 5, 722, 061 5, 732, 341 5, 748, 104 5, 754, 733 5, 774, 496 5, 781, 867 D397, 110 5, 812, 036 5, 812, 938 5, 835, 065 5, 844, 885 5, 852, 421 5, 859, 840 5, 867, 527 5, 872, 774 5, 881, 053 5, 892, 758 5, 898, 920 5, 621, 784 5, 638, 412 5, 652, 814 5, 666, 122 D386, 186 5, 703, 902 5, 710, 784 5, 722, 063 5, 734, 716 5, 751, 725 5, 757, 767 5, 777, 990 5, 784, 406 5, 799, 005 5, 812, 094 5, 818, 871 5, 835, 847 5, 844, 899 5, 854, 565 5, 861, 844 5, 867, 763 5, 872, 775 5, 881, 368 5, 892, 774 5, 903, 554 5, 621, 853 5, 640, 414 5, 654, 979 5, 673, 259 5, 689, 557 5, 704, 001 5, 715, 236 5, 724, 385 5, 737, 687 5, 751, 761 5, 757, 858 5, 778, 024 5, 784, 532 5, 799, 254 5, 812, 097 5, 822, 318 5, 839, 052 5, 844, 985 5, 854, 786 5, 862, 471 5, 870, 427 5, 872, 823 5, 884, 157 5, 892, 816 5, 903, 862 iii User Guide for the Kyocera Phantom phone D409, 561 5, 907, 167 D410, 893 5, 914, 950 5, 917, 837 5, 920, 284 5, 926, 470 5, 926, 500 Other patents pending. 5, 909, 434 5, 915, 235 D411, 823 5, 926, 786 5, 910, 752 5, 917, 708 5, 923, 650 5, 930, 230 5, 911, 128 5, 917, 811 5, 923, 705 5, 930, 692 5, 912, 882 5, 917, 812 5, 926, 143 Kyocera is a registered trademark of Kyocera Corporation. [. . . ] work home mobile pager fax email address street address Web page URL Note 40 Storing Contacts 5 SENDING AND RECEIVING TEXT MESSAGES This chapter describes how to send, receive, and erase text messages from your phone. Important: The features and menus described in this chapter may vary depending on services available in your area. In addition, usage charges may apply to each message. Sending text messages You can only send text messages to phones that are capable of receiving them, or to email addresses. Writing a message To send a text message to a single recipient: 1. Highlight Send New and press OK. User Guide for the Kyocera Phantom phone 41 3. Choose a method to enter the recipient's phone number or email address: ­ Select a saved number from the Recent List or Contacts List, or select a Group List you have created. To add another recipient to this message, choose a method: ­ Press right to select Options. When you are done entering addresses, highlight Next=and press= . 42 Sending and Receiving Text Messages 6. To add special features such as smiley faces, see "Including pictures, sounds, and prewritten text" on page 43. Note: You may be charged for more than one message if your message exceeds a certain number of characters. For more information, see "Understanding appended messages" on page 47. When you have completed the message, press to select Send. Including pictures, sounds, and prewritten text You may include smiley faces, sounds, and prewritten text in your text messages. From the text entry screen, press right twice, select Options Insert and select from the options: ­ My Sounds--Add a sound or melody. Highlight one from the list and press to select Insert. User Guide for the Kyocera Phantom phone 43 My Pictures--Add a graphic you have received in a text message, created using DoodlerTM, or downloaded to your phone. Press right or left to scroll through graphics and press to select Insert. If the recipient's phone does not support the same technology as your phone, the icons will appear to them in a simplified form. Tip: Press and hold to cycle through emoticons while in the text entry screen. (To edit or create new prewritten messages, see page 57. ) ­ Contacts--Add information about a saved contact. When you have completed the message, you can send it immediately or set sending options. To set sending options, see the following procedure. ­ 44 Sending and Receiving Text Messages Setting sending options When you are ready to send a message, you have several options for how and when you want the message to be received. Once you have completed the message, press right to highlight Options and press . Then choose from the list: ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Insert--Enhance your message with sounds, graphics, smiley faces, prewritten text, or contact information. See options under "Including pictures, sounds, and prewritten text" on page 43. [. . . ] Select the application you want details for. Removing an application Important: If you remove an application, it is removed completely from your phone. If you want to free up space on your phone, we recommend you disable the application (see next section). Select Yes to confirm your choice. User Guide for the Kyocera Phantom phone 103 Disabling an application If you are running out of memory and would like to download more applications, but do not want to completely remove those you have paid for, you can simply disable them. This means you have to re-download an application in order to use it again, but don't have to pay for it again. [. . . ]