[. . . ] Operating Instructions #505 Connector Cable Set For use with the Meade® AutoStarTM Computer Controller The #505 Connector Cable Set provides access to three AutoStar operations: · Telescope Control: Use a personal computer (PC) to directly control a Meade AutoStar-compatible telescope through the use of an astronomical software program with telescope control capabilities such as Meade AutoStar Suite Software. Download from a PC: Download a new version of the AutoStar software or object information (e. g. , new satellite orbital parameters) from the Meade web site (www. meade. com) through a PC to AutoStar. Download and Clone from AutoStar: Transfer userdefined object information or new AutoStar software from one AutoStar Computer Controller to another. [. . . ] Follow the instructions from your web browser (i. e. , Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc. ) on how to download a file from the Internet to the PC. Once downloaded, the data resides in a PC desktop program titled AUTOSTAR UPDATE (a READ ME file is also attached). Complete steps 1 through 6 of TELESCOPE CONTROL, then return to this procedure. Open the AUTOSTAR UPDATE program on the PC. 2. Download from the PC to AutoStar 1. 2. MEADE ENTER MODE GO TO 1 4 7 2 5 8 0 ? 3 6 9 NOTE: All files downloaded from the web site to the PC do not have to be transferred to AutoStar (i. e. , software and orbital data may be downloaded to the PC, but you may choose to update the software now and the orbital data at a later time). HBX 3. 4 4. MEADE Within the AUTOSTAR UPDATE program, select the file or files you wish to transfer and follow the instructions provided in the READ ME file. When downloading is complete, AutoStar beeps and the initialization sequence begins. When complete turn off the power and disconnect the cables. 3 2 1 AutoStar downloading from a PC is now complete. Fig. 1: #505 Connector Cable Set connects between a PC and AutoStar for telescope computer control or download capabilities. (1) Serial Interface Adapter; (2) 6-Foot Cable; (3) AutoStar; (4) Handbox (HBX) port on the telescope's computer control panel. DOWNLOAD AND CLONE FROM AUTOSTAR Use the following procedure to transfer information from one AutoStar (Clone) to another AutoStar (Download): 1. 2) between the RS-232 ports at the base of each AutoStar as shown in Fig. Apply power and complete basic initialization as detailed in the AutoStar instruction manual. 6. On the AutoStar that is to send information: In the Setup menu, scroll to the Clone option and press ENTER. Scroll to one of three options: · Catalogs: Sends only the user-defined object information, such as new satellite orbital data, to another AutoStar. This is useful if your AutoStar is equipped with a new version of the AutoStar software (available from the Meade web site) and you want to download the new software to another AutoStar owner. [. . . ] This warning appears on the screen: Downloading Do not turn off. 8. 9. NOTE: This sets AutoStar into a standby mode. AutoStar cloning and downloading is now complete. If you have a question concerning use of the #505 Connector Cable Set, call the Meade Instruments Customer Service Department at (949) 451-1450, or fax at (949) 451-1460. Customer Service hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Pacific Time, Monday through Friday. (800) 626-3233 www. meade. com Ver. [. . . ]