[. . . ] This SOFTWARE (including the media and printed materials) is transferred to you on the terms of End-User License Agreement (EULA), NOT SOLD. Before opening the packet, study the End-User License Agreement (EULA). The opening of the packet means that you agree with the terms of the EULA. If you do not agree with any terms of this EULA, then within seven days of buying the SOFTWARE return the unopened SOFTWARE (with media and documentation) to the company from which you obtained it. [. . . ] The Edit toolbar is switched off by default (it is not displayed on the screen). User's Guide. 29 Working with FineReader 4. 0 7RROEDUV Figure 11. The checked toolbars are those that are displayed on the program screen. The "Edit" toolbar is switched off. 0DLQWRROEDUw6FDQ5HDG The Scan&Read toolbar (Figure 12) contains buttons that carry out the main operations of the program. The numbers on the buttons show the order of operations to get an electronic version of the paper document: 1 ­ Scanning, 2 ­ Marking of blocks, 3 ­ Recognition, 4 ­ Checking results and 5 ­ Export. The leftmost button Scan/Open&Read (Wizard) can carry out scanning, marking of blocks and recognition (in the Scan&Read mode ­ for paper documents) or marking of blocks and recognition (in the Open&Read mode ­ for electronic images). This button can also work in the Scan&Read Wizard mode, that will teach you to work with the OCR program. Figure 12. The mode of Mark Blocks and Recognize buttons depends on what window is active and also whether the Batch window has some pages selected. If there are no images open and at least one page is selected in the Batch window, the buttons process selected images. Note: The button mode different from the default mode can be set manually. On the picture (Figure 12) you can see the open menu for the 2 ­ Mark Blocks button. User's Guide. Working with FineReader 4. 0 command will be run when you click the button. When you select another menu item, the corresponding operation is carried out. 6WDQGDUGWRROEDU The Standard toolbar (Figure 13) has the following buttons: five standard buttons (new, open, cut, copy, paste), buttons to move up and down in the batch (to the next and previous pages), buttons to rotate and clean images and a Help-mode button. Clicking the button operates on the open image or images selected in the Batch window. When you click the Help Mode button, the mouse pointer works in the following way: click on an object (button or menu item) and you get brief help (the shape of the mouse pointer in this mode is an arrow with the question mark). 3UHYLRXVSDJH 3DVWH 2SHQ 1HZ 1H[W SDJH 5RWDWHFORFNZLVH 5RWDWH FRXQWHUFORFNZLVH +HOSPRGH , PDJHRUWH[W VFDOH &XW &RS\ &OHDQLPDJH Figure 13. "Standard" toolbar. 6WUXFWXUHRIWKHEDWFK When the program is run, a new batch is open by default. A batch is a kind of folder where scanned and recognized pages are assembled. In the Batch window you can see the list of pages of the current batch. You will see files that the page has: text and/or image in the Text and/or Image windows, respectively. Pages in the batch are selected in the same way as files in Explorer: with the mouse click (or with keys). User's Guide. 31 Working with FineReader 4. 0 +RZWKH%DWFKZLQGRZORRNV By default the batch window is docked to the left edge of the Main window and pages are showed with large icons (Figure 14). Figure 14. Batch window in the docking view with large icons for pages (default view). If you want to move the Batch window, you can undock it (click the right mouse button inside the window and from the local menu, deselect Docking view). [. . . ] Now add the "*" character (or any other character that exists in the Cyrillic code page and you can enter from the keyboard). To make the system ignore the "*" character during the spell-check, mark it as ignored (click the button on the right of the Ignored box to select it from the table). On the Recognition tab of the Options dialog (Tools>Options. . . ) in the Training group, from the Current User Pattern list select the pattern, that you have just created and now want to train. FineReader 4. 0. User's Guide. 55 Appendices 2. Select the Read&Learn and Use Omnifont1 checkboxes. 7RVSHFLI\UHFRJQLWLRQODQJXDJH 1. [. . . ]