[. . . ] mod2_en. bk : qkref. fm5 Page 1 Wednesday, January 13, 1999 12:57 PM Options Menu Quick Access Menu English Quick Reference mod2_en. bk : qkref. fm5 Page 2 Wednesday, January 13, 1999 12:57 PM Quick Reference Special Keys S Press to turn phone on and off. E [] Press to move through the menu and feature choices, or to edit an SMS message. Making an Emergency Call Enter 112O. The call will be directed to a central emergency operator. Quick Access Features Press E followed by the appropriate key, or press E, scroll to the feature and press O to select. Redialling the Last Number Called 1 Press O to display the last number dialled. [. . . ] ASetting "Divert When Unavailable" to On will have the same effect as setting all "Detailed Diverting" options to On. AWhen On, Divert When Unavailable takes priority over detailed diversion settings. Divert All Voice Calls This option will enable you to unconditionally divert all incoming Voice calls to a single number. If you change the setting to On, you will be asked to enter a diversion phone number using the digit keys. AWhen On, Divert All Voice Calls takes priority over all other Voice call diversion settings. i Switch between Divert On and Off easily with the Quick Access item (P). Detailed Diverting These options will enable you to divert Voice calls to different numbers, depending upon the current status of your phone. Each of the following detailed diverting options operate in the same way. If you change the setting to On, you will be asked to enter a diversion phone number using the digit keys. ADetailed diversion settings are ignored while Divert All Voice Calls or Divert When Unavailable are On. If Not Reachable This option will divert incoming calls if your phone cannot be contacted by the network. If No Answer This option will divert incoming calls if you do not answer the call. Divert Fax Calls This option will enable you to divert all Fax calls to a single number. If you change the setting to On, you will be asked to enter a diversion phone number using the digit keys. English 40 Using the Options Menu mod2_en. bk : opt_menu. fm5 Page 41 Wednesday, January 13, 1999 12:57 PM MENU Phone Book Call Related Features Messages Phone Setup Network Selection Call Meters Accessory Setup Divert Data Calls This option will enable you to divert all Data calls to a single number. If you change the setting to On, you will be asked to enter a diversion phone number using the digit keys. Cancel All Diverting This option will enable you to cancel the diversion of incoming calls. This option resets all diversion settings to Off and removes all diversion numbers. AWhile a Talk and Fax call is active, incoming call services like Call Waiting and Call Holding are suspended. If you receive a Talk and Fax call when: · Your phone is not fax-ready - you can only talk. · Your phone is fax-ready but Talk and Fax mode is off - the call is automatically routed to your fax (you cannot talk). On Switches Talk and Fax mode on for the next and all subsequent calls. Off Switches Talk and Fax mode off for the next and all subsequent calls. Talk and Fax This is a network feature that allows you to speak and then send or receive a fax during the course of a single call. AYour phone supports a data and fax transmission speed of up to 9600 bps. Before making a Talk and Fax call, ensure that: · Your phone is "fax-ready" (it has been switched off, connected to the fax with one of the optional data/fax accessories, then switched back on). [. . . ] Replace the battery. The battery drains faster than normal Are you in an area of variable coverage?A new battery will need two to three charge/discharge cycles to attain normal performance. Allow the battery to fully discharge (until the phone turns itself off) and then charge the battery overnight. Check that the Frequency Of Search feature in the Network Selection menu has not been set to Fast or Continuous. [. . . ]