[. . . ] Any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material will lead to criminal and civil liabilities. Thank you for choosing Audiovox navigation as your door-to-door in-car navigator. Read the Quick Start Guide first and start using Audiovox navigation right away. You can easily discover Audiovox navigation while you are using it; however, we still recommend that you read this manual to understand the screens and the features of Audiovox navigation. [. . . ] Managing the behaviour of Audiovox Navigation Software, for example the map layout during navigation, the used languages or the warnings. That is why maps in Audiovox Navigation Software look similar to paper road maps. However, Audiovox Navigation Software provides much more than regular paper maps: you can customise the look and the content of the map. During navigation, the screen shows route information and trip data (left screenshot), but when you tap the map, additional buttons and controls appear for a few seconds (right screenshot). Subject to technical changes Turn Preview, that is, the next route event Second upcoming route event Trip data GPS position quality Switches between 2D and 3D map modes Opens the Navigation menu Opens the Avoid screen, offering ways to avoid parts of the route Opens the Position menu Current street and house numbers on left and righ Map view modes Menu Detour Position menu (appears when navigating a route) Cursor menu (appears when there is no GPS Opens the Cursor menu position or the Cursor is not at the current GPS position) Open/Close Map control buttons Tap this button to show or hide the following map control buttons: · Rotate left, rotate right Tilt up, tilt down Tilts the 3D map Tilts the 3D map Subject to technical changes Return to GPS position (appears when GPS position is available and you have moved the map) Enable Smart Zoom (replaces the previous button if there is no GPS position or the map has not been moved) Tap this button to move the map back to the current GPS position. If the map has been rotated in 3D mode, automatic map rotation is also reenabled. Tap&hold any of the buttons to set its value to the current zoom level, or to reset it to its original value. Tap one of the preset buttons to set the zoom level to a fix, predefined value. Tap&hold any of the buttons to set its value to the current tilt and zoom levels, or to reset it to its original value. Current GPS position (on nearest road) Cursor (selected map location) Lane information Orange Linie Active route Map scale (2D map only) 1 Icons on the map There are several status icons on the map. Subject to technical changes Devices with a built-in GPS receiver are permanently connected. The route always stands out with its colour on the map, both in daytime and in night colour mode. The active leg of the route is always displayed in a brighter shade than the inactive (upcoming) legs. If you have not added any via points (only a destination), the entire route is the active leg. If you have added via points, the active leg is the part of the route from your current location to the next route point (the next via point, or the destination if there are no more via points to reach). The future sections of the route; each of them becomes active when you reach the via point at its beginning. You can choose whether you want to use or avoid certain road types (page 41). However, when Audiovox Navigation Software cannot avoid such roads, the route will include them and it will show them in a colour that is different from the route colour. Inactive legs of the route Streets and roads that are excluded from the navigation 4 Avoid menu This screen contains quick detour possibilities during navigation. It can be opened directly from the map screen by tapping You have the following options: · Tap any of the distance buttons if you want to bypass a part of the route starting from the next intersection. : If you have used the above function before, tap this button to clear the restrictions from the map. In order to show a part of the map with the Cursor menu, it contains only a few buttons first. [. . . ] 2 to lease, rent, lend, distribute, transfer it to a third person with or without a consideration; 7. 5 to modify, extend, transform the Software Product (in whole or in part), to separate it into parts, compose it with other products, install it in other products, utilise it in other products, not even with the aim of achieving interoperability with other products; 7. 6 apart from using the computer program, to obtain information from the map database included in the Software Product, to decompile the map database, to use, copy, modify, extend, transform the map database in whole or in part or the group of data stored therein, or to install it in other products, utilise it in other products, not even with the aim of achieving interoperability with other products; 8 Non-warranty, limitation of responsibility 8. 1 Licensor hereby informs the User that although the greatest care was taken in producing the Software Product, yet with respect to the essence of the Software Product and the technical limitations, the Licensor does not warrant for the Software Product being completely error-free, and the Licensor is not bound by any contractual obligation by which the Software Product obtained by the User should be completely error-free. 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