[. . . ] ---- CHAPTER 13 ---- Contacting Plextor's Technical Support Department YOUR TASK: Learn the variety of methods you can use to contact Plextor's Technical Support Department. Learn what information you should gather before contacting Plextor's Technical Support Department. Know how to get in contact with Plextor if you experience any problems installing or operating your UltraPleX CD-ROM drive. Store Plextor's e-mail, Web site, phone, fax, and BBS numbers in a convenient location. [. . . ] Once you have the correct file, you can then use the Windows 95 ``Add New Hardware Wizard'' to load it. If Windows 95 did load a file during the configuration process, AND you have another SCSI device besides your Plextor CD-ROM drive, then you probably have a conflict with your SCSI IDs. The quick fix here is to leap out of the Plug and Play environment and reset the SCSI ID on one of your devices per the previous paragraph. Alternatively, you can find or obtain the SCAM capable file from the manufacturer of your SCSI controller. You will then need to copy that file to a Windows 95 subdirectory using Windows Explorer or the following DOS command: copy D:\filename. ext C:\windows\system\iosubsys The SCSI controller documentation should tell you which file to copy. If not, you should contact the technical support department of the SCSI controller manufacturer. If you cannot reach them, or they cannot help you, contact Plextor's Technical Support Department. 70 ULTRAPLEX OPERATION MANUAL Appendix ---- Windows 95 Drivers Non-Plug and Play Installation Install Hardware Refer to the Operation Manual for instructions on installing your SCSI controller, cabling, and CD-ROM drive. If your non-PCI controller has Plug and Play features but your computer system is not supporting Plug and Play, you will need to disable the Plug and Play capabilities on your SCSI controller. Review the controller's documentation (check the Quick Start Guide or similar document first) to determine the location of the disable switch. You might want to familiarize yourself with the chapter on Termination in your drive's Operation Manual. However, the quick solution here is to place your internal drive at one end of the SCSI ribbon cable and the SCSI controller at the other end of the cable. Your CD-ROM drive ships from the factory with termination enabled, so everything should be fine. If you put another SCSI device between the controller and the drive, you need to make sure termination is disabled on that device. For external devices, if your drive is the last in a chain of devices, leave termination enabled. If it is not last in the chain, disable termination. Install Software After your CD-ROM drive and SCSI controller are installed, it is time to make the right software device driver file available to support your new controller. Turn on your computer and start up Windows 95, and your system should automatically detect and configure your SCSI controller. If you have just installed it, Windows 95 will then recognize that it does not have the right driver available. A dialog box named ``New Hardware Found'' appears, followed immediately by a dialog box named ``Insert Disk. '' At this point, click on ``OK'' in the ``Insert Disk'' dialog box and a second ``New Hardware Found'' dialog box will appear. If you do put in your Microsoft disk or CD, Windows 95 will automatically load the non-SCAM capable file for the SCSI controller we provided. Instead, if you purchased a Plextor kit with SCSI controller, insert the Plextor Manager disk. This disk has the SCAM capable support file for your SCSI controller to complete your Plug and Play CD-ROM environment. After inserting the disk, select ``Browse'' in the dialog box and then select the appropriate drive letter (probably A:\). [. . . ] SKC is now one of the world's largest manufacturers of small motors used in hard disks, floppy disks, tape drives, copy machines, video cameras----and your Plextor CD-ROM drive. Over the past decade, SKC has developed a reputation as an innovator in compact disc and CD-ROM technology. In 1992 it was the second company to begin shipments of double speed CD-ROM drives. In 1994, it was the first company to begin shipments of half-height quad speed CD-ROM drives. [. . . ]