[. . . ] The information in this application note is subject to change without notice and is not to be construed as a commitment by Quantum Corporation. Quantum Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. NOTE: The information in this document pertains to DLTTM 2000, DLTTM 2000XT, DLTTM 4000, DLTTM 7000 or DLTTM 8000 cartridge tape drive or the DLTTM 2500, DLTTM 2500XT, DLTTM 2700, DLTTM 2700XT, DLTTM 4500 or DLTTM 4700 tape mini-library that you are installing. [. . . ] If you're operating system is IRIX 5. 3, open the /usr/var/sysgen/master. d/scsi file for editing; for IRIX 6. X, open /var/sysgen/master. d/scsi file for editing. As appropriate for the currently running operating system version, add the following to the table of structures. This will enable DLTtape system recognition: For IRIX 5. 3: /* DLTtape tape drive */ {DECDLT, TPDLT, "<Vendor length>", 7, "<Vendor ID>", "<DLT tape unit>", 0 , 0, {0, 0, 0, 0 }, MTCAN_BSF | MTCAN_BSR | MTCAN_APPEND | MTCAN_SPEOD | MTCAN_CHKRDY | MTCAN_VAR | MTCAN_SETSZ | MTCAN_SILI | MTCAN_SEEK | MTCAN_SYNC | MTCAN_CHTYPEANY, 20, 8*60, 20*60, 5*60, 16384, 64*1024} For IRIX 6. X: /* DLTtape tape drive */ {DECDLT, TPDLT, "<Vendor length>", 7, "<Vendor ID>", "<DLT tape unit>", 0 , 0, {0, 0, 0, 0 }, MTCAN_BSF | MTCAN_BSR | MTCAN_APPEND | MTCAN_SPEOD | MTCAN_CHKRDY | MTCAN_VAR | MTCAN_SETSZ | MTCAN_SILI | MTCAN_SEEK | MTCAN_SYNC | MTCAN_CHTYPEANY, 20, 8*60, 20*60, 5*60, 16384, 64*1024, 0 (u_char *)0} Depending on the DLTtape tape peripheral you are installing, you will need to make substitutions for <Vendor length>, <Vendor ID>, and <DLTtape tape unit> in the above structure. The following table shows the DLT tape product and the corresponding substitution values: DLTtape Tape Product <Vendor length> <Vendor ID> <DLTtape tape unit> DLTtape Tape Product DLT2000 or DLT2000XT DLT2500 or DLT2500XT DLT2700 or DLT2700XT DLT4000 DLT4500 DLT4700 DLT7000 DLT8000 <Vendor length> 3 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 <Vendor ID> DEC DEC DEC Quantum Quantum Quantum Quantum Quantum <DLTtape tape unit> DLT2000 DLT2500 DLT2700 DLT4000 DLT4500 DLT4700 DLT7000 DLT8000 Keep in mind that the Vendor ID entries are case sensitive. Refer to the tpsc_types structure in the /usr/include/sys/tpsc. h file for further information on the above structure entries and to the /usr/include/sys/mtio. h file for further information on the MTCAN flag definitions. Enter the following command to configure the DLTtape device into the system: /etc/autoconfig 5. Reboot the system. Copyright 1999-2001 Quantum Corporation or its subsidiaries or affiliates. All rights reserved Quantum Corporation DLTtapeTM Application Note _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. After reboot is complete and you have logged in as root, change directory to /dev. Enter the following command to establish the DLTtape device files: /MAKEDEV 7. Verify the DLTtape device files by entering the following command: ls /dev/rmt For a DLTtape tape peripheral installed with a SCSI ID of 4, the system response should be similar to the following: tps0d4 tps0d4c tps0d4nr tps0d4nrc tps0d4nrns tps0d4nrnsc tps0d4nrnsv tps0d4nrnsvc tps0d4nrs tps0d4nrsc tps0d4nrsv tps0d4nrsvc tps0d4nrv tps0d4nrvc tps0d4ns tps0d4nsc tps0d4nsv tps0d4nsvc tps0d4s tps0d4sc tps0d4stat tps0d4sv tps0d4svc tps0d4v tps0d4vc 8. Enter the following command to verify the installation: mt -t /dev/rmt/tps0d4 status Note: that the device file tps0d4 is for an installed DLT2000 with SCSI ID of 4. The system response should be similar to the following: Controller: SCSI Device: DEC: DLT2000 Status: 0x20262 Drive type: DLT Media : READY, writeable, at BOT DLTtape Tape Cartridge Compatibility The following is a matrix of DLTtape tape cartridge/drive type compatibility. Use this matrix when considering tape cartridge and drive type combinations. [. . . ] To prevent the tape driver from unloading from memory, edit the /usr/var/sysgen/master. d/tpsc file on an IRIX 5. 3 system. Find the line beginning with oscdR string and change the string to oscdRN. DLTtape Mini-Library Usage The SGI IRIX operating system does not support SCSI-2 media changer device commands. [. . . ]