[. . . ] We'd be very interested to hear about novel applications from you, so please do contact us with your ideas, we are always glad to listen as it helps us improve and develop the product, and the information we can supply to other sE users. Your Reflexion Filter carries a 2 year manufacturing warranty, with free replacement of parts in case of mechanical failure due to faulty components. This warranty does not cover failures deemed to be as a result of misuse or abuse of the Reflexion Filter. [. . . ] The sound waves then hit a layer of Aluminium foil which helps dissipate energy and break up the lower frequency wave-forms, and from here they hit an air space kept open by rods passing through the various layers. The sound waves then pass to a further layer of wool and then through an outer, punched, Aluminium wall which further serve to absorb then diffuse the remaining acoustic energy. The main absorber has 4 formed pieces of state-of-the-art specialist acoustic absorptive material attached to its face via the extended separation rods, which further serve to absorb and then diffuse the sound waves as they pass to the main filter. The stand assembly comprises a mic stand clamp fitting, which attaches by means of a vertical joint to the horizontal bar assembly onto which both the Reflexion Filter, and any standard fitting shock mount can be fixed. The microphone (in its shock mount) can then be moved both vertically and horizontally along the bar, and the Reflexion Filter itself can be moved vertically to obtain the optimum working position. The various layers both absorb and diffuse the sound waves hitting them, so progressively less of the original source acoustic energy passes through each layer. This reduces the amount of energy hitting un-treated walls and other surfaces so there is less of the original source reflected back as unwanted room ambience to the mic. The Reflexion Filter also helps prevent any reflected sound reaching the back and sides of the mic. Its shape and size have been carefully tested to maximize absorption while keeping `coloration' down to only around 1dB, and leaving the microphone's polar pattern unaffected. In summary: All in all, it's a very clever and desirable piece of kit. It allows you to record vocals, guitars etc with a `drier' sound without having to have an acoustically treated room. and it's a fraction of the price of acoustically treating your studio environment! Assembling your Reflexion Filter 1 Remove the Reflexion Filter and stand assembly unit from the packaging. Please keep the packaging safe to store the Reflexion Filter when not in use, or for transportation. It is robust, but parts may get damaged or lost in transit if not packaged properly. You should have the following parts ­ Reflexion Filter (curved wall), stand assembly, support rod and spanner to fit support rod. 1 2 Fix the stand clamp assembly in place on the neck of your microphone stand a few inches below the point where the shock mount is usually fixed, or on the main vertical support strut of the stand. You'll see the assembly has a metal block with two large screws and a handle on it (one of the screws has a spring to help lock the assembly firmly onto the mic stand. [. . . ] Again, this is not usually desirable but can be used to get a specific `room sound' without the room taking over completely!The Reflexion Filter can be used not only for recording vocals and acoustic guitars etc, but as outlined above, you can experiment to find new applications like the guitar cab mic'ing we suggested above. We'd love to hear from you with your own novel applications, so please contact us via the main web site, www. seelectronics. com, to let us know what you think of the product, and how you are using it. [. . . ]