[. . . ] Electrolux Outdoor Products Via Como 72 23868 Valmadrera (Lecco) ITALIA Phone + 39 0341 203111 - Fax +39 0341 581671 www. electrolux. com Our policy of continuous improvement means that the specification of products may be altered from time to time without prior notice. Electrolux Outdoor Products manufacture products for a number of well known brands under various registered patents, designs and trademarks in several countries. The world's No. 1 choice. The Electrolux Group is the world's largest producer of powered appliances for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use. More than 55 million Electrolux Group products (such as refrigerators, cookers, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, chain saws and lawn mowers) are sold each year to a value of approx. [. . . ] This mechanism is designed to arrest the backward chain movement in the case of chain breaking or derailing. These situations can be avoided by ensuring correct chain tension (Refer to chapter "D. REAR HAND GUARD This acts to protect(fig. 5) the hand in the case of chain breaking or derailing. D. ASSEMBLY / DISASSEMBLY 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 BAR AND CHAIN ASSEMBLY Assembly methods change according to the type of your machine- so please take care to refer to the illustrations and machine type marked on the label (A- Legend ­ 9 [ES15 / ES16 / ES18] ), Take great care when assembling to ensure this is performed correctly. Mount the bar on the bar retaining screw pushing pushing it as far backward towards the pinion it as far backward towards the pinion as possible. Oil the chain, then position it over the pinion, making it slide into the bar guide groove, beginning with the upper part. Control that the sharp side of the cutting teeth face in a frontward direction on the upper part of the bar; Set the chain tensioner pin in the chain tensioner pin housing. Mount the chain cover making sure that the drive teeth of the chain are engaged in the pinion and in the guide groove. To spread the chain screw the chain tensioner tensioner screws in a clockwise direction, to knob in a clockwise direction, to loosen tension, screw loosen tension, screw in an anti-clockwise in an anti-clockwise direction (when performing this direction (when performing this operation operation maintain the bar nose raised upwards) maintain the bar nose raised upwards) 7 Spread the chain until the tension is correct; that is, when the chain is pulled upwards, the drive tooth rise to the same level as the bar. Tensioning the chain too tightly will overload the motor and cause damage, insufficient tension can provoke chain derailing, whereas a chain tightened correctly provides the best cutting characteristics and prolonged work life. Check the tension regularly because the chain length tends to stretch with use (especially when the chain is new; after the first assembly, the chain tension must be controlled after 5 minutes machine operation); in any ENGLISH - 6 case do not tighten the chain immediately after use, but wait until it cools down. In cases where the loosened chain needs to be adjusted, always unscrew the bar retaining nuts / knob before adjusting the chain tensioning screw/knob ; adjust the tension and tighten the bar retaining nuts /knob accordingly. START-UP AND ARREST Start-up: grip both handles firmly, release the chain brake lever, press and maintain the switch block pressed in, then press the switch (at this point the switch block can be released). 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 Arrest: The machine will stop whenever the switch is released. In the case where the machine does not stop, activate the chain brake, disconnect the cable from the main line socket and take the machine to the Authorised Service Centre. F. Insufficient lubrication will provoke chain breaking and can cause serious and even mortal injury. If your machine is equipped with an oil pump adjustment knob (optional) the chain lubrication can be adjusted as shown in the illustration (fig. 1), according to the type of cutting operation in hand (dry wood ­ more oil, green wood less oil, long bar- more oil, short bar - less oil). Take great care to ensure that the chain is always sufficiently lubricated by never closing the pump completely. Refer to "Maintenance" for indications on ensuring that the chain oil is sufficiently distributed. Choice of chain oil Always use new oil only (special type for chains) with 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 adequate viscosity: the oil must adhere well and guarantee good running properties in both winter and summer. Never use waste oil because this is this harmful to health, the machine and the environment. Make sure that the oil is suitable for the temperature of the environment where the tool will be used: For temperatures under 0°C certain oils become denser, overloading the pump and causing damage. [. . . ] Take into account dead or broken branches that may break off during felling creating a further danger risk. During tree felling operations in critical conditions, always remove ear protection immediately after cutting operations to be able to listen for unusual noises and any warning signals. Eliminate any branches that interfere with the job (fig. 8), starting from top to bottom, and then, always keeping the trunk between the user and the machine eliminate the more difficult branches afterwards, piece by piece. Eliminate all plants that interfere with work operations and control the area for possible obstacles (rocks, roots, ditches, etc. ) when planning the retreat path (to follow during tree fall); Refer to the illustration (fig. 9) for the directions to be maintained (A. [. . . ]