[. . . ] 1 - TM-D1000 Operations Manual Congratulations on your purchase of the TM-D1000. This high-quality digital mixing console allows you to produce crystal-clear multitrack recordings and to mix them to a digital stereo mastering machine. We do not expect you to read the Reference Manual from cover to cover, but if you take the time to read through this Operations Manual, this will be repaid in terms of future familiarity with the unit. Since the TM-D1000 is a complex unit, with many software features that are not immediately visible from the front panel, we suggest, however, that you make yourself familiar with at least the contents of the main reference manual, so that you can find the answers you need when you have questions. [. . . ] We refer to devices as word clock masters or slaves, depending on whether the word clock is originated by them, or received from another device. If the TM-D1000 is configured as a word clock master, you cannot use any varispeed facilities on any digitally connected devices (multitrack systems, CD players or DAT recorders). 1 2 Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press the OPTION key. Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom line of the display shows System and press ENTER. Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom line of the display shows Master Clock Select, and press ENTER: Clock Select 3 Master Internal[44. 1 k ] NOTE There must be one, and only one, word clock master in a system. Furthermore, each device in a digital audio setup must be set up to work at the same sampling frequency. You cannot have a system in which a CD player (with a fixed sampling frequency of 44. 1 kHz) can be used to provide digital audio signals to a recorder or mixer whose sampling frequency has been set to 48 kHz. The standard stereo digital signals (AES/EBU and SPDIF) that are marked as "DIGITAL" from DAT recorders, CD players, etc. Most "domestic" CD players and DAT recorders will expect to be the word clock master when playing back, and (in the case of a DAT recorder) when recording, will become a word clock slave. Professional equipment (DAT recorders, CD players, digital multitrack and hard disk recorders, and digital mixers such as the TM-D1000) can usually be configured to act as either a word clock master or slave. 4 5 Use the data entry knob to choose either 48 kHz or 44. 1 kHz as the internal clock. Make sure that any other devices which can accept external word clocks are set to do so. NOTE The TDIF-1 standard allows any DTRS or other TDIF-1-equipped device to take its clock through the TDIF-1 connector. However, we recommend that if you are using the TMD1000 as a word clock master, that you connect the TM-D1000's WORD SYNC OUT to the WORD SYNC IN of the DTRS recorder (not DA-38 models), and use the CLOCK key of the DTRS recorder to select WORD as the clock source. 6. 2 Setting up the TM-D1000 as a word clock slave The TM-D1000 can accept a word clock from any of the digital audio inputs (including the TDIF-1 input, or inputs, if the optional expansion board is fitted) or the WORD SYNC IN connector. 6. 1 Setting up the TM-D1000 as a word clock master The TM-D1000 can be configured as a word clock master at either 44. 1 kHz or 48 kHz. 1 2 Press and hold down the SHIFT key and press the OPTION key. Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom line of the display shows System and press ENTER. NOTE TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 16 6 - Word synchronization 3 Turn the DATA ENTRY knob until the bottom line of the display shows Master Clock Select, and press ENTER: Clock Select Sync In NOTE When using the TM-D1000 with a DTRS or other recorder in varispeed mode, the TMD1000 must be configured as a word clock slave. We suggest that you use the Word Sync In as the clock source when using the TM-D1000 as a word clock slave with DTRS recorders, except with DA-38 recorders. When using a DA-38 recorder in varispeed mode, the only available word clock source for the TM-D1000 is the TDIF-1 A source. This is because the DA-38 must act as a word clock master in varispeed mode, and has no word clock output jack. A complete discussion of digital audio is outside the scope of this guide. You should consult one of the many excellent books on the subject if you are in any doubt. Master Word 4 Use the DATA ENTRY knob to choose the word clock source for the TM-D1000. The external word clock source may be the TDIF-1 A source, the Digital In A, or the Word Sync In connection. If the optional expansion board is fitted, the additional digital inputs, except for digital input C, which contains a sampling frequency convertor, may also be selected as word clock sources. Remember that all other digital audio devices in the system must also be set as slaves (except for the word clock master) and must be connected so that the word clock is transmitted to them. 17 TASCAM TM-D1000 Operations Manual 7 - Channel operations This covers most common channel operations (equalization, routing, etc. ), as well as the channel dynamic processors. It does not cover aux sends and effects, which are described in "Effects" on page 23. The panpot controls are also similar to those of an analog console. However, the LOW and HI bands are shelving filters, which work in a slightly different way to the peak/dip filter of the MID band. 7. 2 Routing channels to busses As explained earlier, there are four busses on the TM-D1000 whose function may be either aux or group busses, as explained in "Buss configurations" on page 11. To assign input channels to these busses when their function is set as group busses: 7. 1 Equalization One of the most common tasks in recording is to adjust the equalization. To do this on the TM-D1000: 1 2 Press the CH SEL key of the channel you wish to assign to a buss. Press any combination of the 1-2, 3-4 or L-R CH ASSIGN keys (above input channels 3 through 5). [. . . ] An additional menu is available when the IFTD1000 Digital I/O Board is fitted, which allows input channels 7 and 8 to be assigned to digital input C or to the analog inputs, for all menus using these inputs. This sub-menu is available from the Setup options, and appears as follows: Ch7-8 Route1 Target In C? Digital 1 2 3 The wristpad below the faders should be unscrewed before mounting the TM-D1000 in a rack. Attach the two rack mounts to the TMD1000 using the five screws (provided) on each mount. Fit the TM-D1000 into the rack, allowing enough space at the top for cables to be fitted to the connectors. Use the data entry knob to choose between Digital In C and Analog. [. . . ]