[. . . ] MIDI routing documentation 1. 0 Besides the possibility to route audio playback (wave files) to 4 speakers you can also playback the synthesizer sounds (MIDI) on 4 speakers. [. . . ] 127, to toute the instrument only to OUT-2. Since controller #94 is no static controller Cubasis AV-XL and other sequencer software offer the possibility to draw controller data. Choose Edit from the Edit menu ;-) in Cubasis AV-XL or Cubase VST. In Logic Audio this editor is called Matrix. These settings should work for the enclosed *. 94B SoundSets. If you want to route your self created instruments to OUT-2, make sure that the following settings in ED!SON have been done. ED!SONs Reverb and Chorus sends have to be set to the maximum value (31)!!! IImporttantt!!!!!!mpor an If the above mentioned settings are done and you still can't hear MIDI on OUT-2, a little bug in the EWS software is to be blamed/. (We surely try to fix it asap!) If you've moved the SYN/VOL-slider in the Virtual Channels (or the MIDI slider in the EWS64 S` Control Panel) no MIDI sound can't be routed to OUT-2 anymore. The easiest way to reset the card is to: Set the SYN/VOL slider to maximum. [. . . ] Delete the , , TerraTec EWS64 Synthesizer" entry (Device Manager / TerraTec Audio Devices) and directly hit Refresh MIDI routing documentation V1. 0 English 1999 Sascha Kamps TerraTec Support [. . . ]