[. . . ] Cash Register ECR 5100 USER'S GUIDE PUBLICATION ISSUED BY: Olivetti S. p. A. www. olivetti. com Copyright 2005, Olivetti All rights reserved Your attention is drawn to the following actions that could compromise the characteristics of the product: incorrect electrical supply; incorrect installation; incorrect or improper use, or, in any case, not in accordance with the warnings given in the User Manual supplied with the product; replacement of original components or accessories with others of a type not approved by the manufacturer, or carried out by unauthorized personnel. Het is belangrijk te weten dat de volgende acties nadelige gevolgen kunnen hebben voor de goede werking van het product: het verkeerd aansluiten van een stroombron; onjuiste installatie; onjuist of oneigenlijk gebruik, of handelingen die worden uitgevoerd zonder inachtneming van de waarschuwingen in de handleiding bij het product; vervanging van originele onderdelen of accessoires door onderdelen of accessoires van een type dat niet is goedgekeurd door de fabrikant, of vervanging die wordt uitgevoerd door onbevoegd personeel. Nous attirons votre attention sur les actions suivantes qui peuvent compromettre la conformit atteste ci-dessus et les caractristiques du produit: Alimentation lectrique errone; Installation ou utilisation errone ou non conforme aux indications exposes dans le manuel d'utilisation fourni avec le produit; Replacement de composants ou d'accessoires originaux par des pices non approuves par le constructeur, ou effectu par du personnel non autoris. Chamamos a sua ateno para as seguintes aces que podem comprometer o desempenho do produto: abastecimento de corrente no adequado; instalao incorrecta, utilizao incorrecta ou indevida, ou no respeitando os avisos descritos no Manual do Utilizador que fornecido com o produto; substituio de componentes originais ou acessrios por outros de tipo no aprovado pelo fabricante, ou substituio realizada por pessoal no autorizado. Wir mchten Sie darauf hinweisen, da folgende Aktionen die oben bescheinigte Konformitt und die Eigenschaften des Produkts beeintrchtigen knnen: Falsche Stromversorgung; Installations- oder Bedienungsfehler bzw. Nichtbeachtung der Hinweise in der Bedienungsanleitung, die mit dem Produkt geliefert wurde; Das Auswechseln von Bauteilen oder Originalzubehr durch Unbefugte oder das Ersetzen durch Teile, die nicht vom Hersteller anerkannt werden. Vr opmrksom p, at flgende handlinger kan beskadige produktet: Forkert strmforsyning. Forkert installation, ukorrekt eller forkert brug eller, som under alle omstndigheder, ikke er i overensstemmelse med advarslerne i den medflgende Brugervejledning. [. . . ] If a Z-mode manager password was defined, type the [4-digit password] and press 3. . Example: Set the date to the Month/Day/Year format. Date Consecutive receipt number X report identifier Department 1 activity counter Machine condition Setting Confirm setting Department number Department 1 sales total X counter Management Reports Transaction data is maintained in the memory of the cash register as long as the battery back-up system is in effect. The Management Report can be printed from either the X or Z position on the control switch. Sales total for all departments Total amount VAT 1, 2, 3 and 4 X and Z Reports Sliding the control switch to the X position prints the accumulated transaction information and RETAINS ALL TOTALS IN MEMORY. Take this report any time of the day to print periodic reading of the transactions performed (some users call the X report a mid-day report). X reports include the PLU Report, Clerk Report, and the X1 and X2 Financial Reports. Sliding the control switch to the Z position prints the same information as the X report. The only difference is that after a Z report printout ALL TRANSACTION TOTALS ARE RESET TO ZERO, except for the grand total unless programmed otherwise in the system options programming mode. This report is usually taken at the end of the day so that all the transaction totals are cleared to start from zero the following day. NOTE:To prevent the accidental printing of the Z report, assign a Z mode manager password as explained in the section entitled "Defining a Z Mode Manager Password". An X2 report is called a period-to-date financial report which is usually taken on a weekly basis. A Z2 report is the same as an X2 report with the exception that all the transaction totals are reset to zero after it is taken. It is usually taken as a monthly sales report to view end-of-month sales totals for each department. Percent minus total Net sales total without tax Refund total Gross sales total Cash sales total Check sales total Charge sales total Card sales counter Received on account counter No sale counter Cash in drawer total Check in drawer total Charge in drawer total Card in drawer total Grand total Card sales total Net sales total in local currency Void total Cash sales counter Check sales counter Charge sales counter Received on account total Clerk Report 1. Control switch position: X or Z (bear in mind that a Z Clerk Report resets all totals). Press Time Clerk 1 number or assigned name Activity counter for Clerk 1 X1 and Z1 Financial Reports NOTE: Once a "Z" report is taken, it cannot be duplicated so be sure to have plenty of paper in the cash register. Control switch position: X or Z (bear in mind that a Z1 printout resets all totals to zero). If a Z-mode manager password was defined, type the [4-digit password] and press 3. . . Consecutive receipt number X report identifier Sales total of clerk 1 Sales total of clerk 2 Sales total of all clerks Activity counter for Clerk 2 10 PLU Sales Report 1. Slide the control switch to the X or Z position (bear in mind that a Z PLU Report resets all PLU totals to zero). Press . Training Report This report provides an X or Z report of the transactions performed in the training mode. Like the ordinary X and Z financial reports, a Z report resets all transaction totals to zero and provides the same information as an ordinary X or Z financial report with the exception that the report identifier is "X0" or "Z0". Bear in mind that in the Z position the training report contents are cleared. If a training mode password was defined, type the [4-digit password] and press PLU sales total Date X report identifier PLU quantity sold PLU number . 3. [. . . ] Det viste symbol, som findes p udstyret, betyder: - At, brugt udstyr skal afleveres p srlige opsamlingssteder og bortskaffes separat; - At, Olivetti garanterer at procedurerne for behandling, opsamling, genbrug og bortskaffelse af udstyret i henhold til EU-direktiv 2002/96/EF (og efterflgende tilfjelser) efterleves. GLDENDE FOR IKKE EU-LANDE Behandling, opsamling, genanvendelse og bortskaffelse af elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr skal ske i henhold til landets gldende lovgivning. RICHTLIJN 2002/96/EG BETREFFENDE AFGEDANKTE ELEKTRISCHE 1. FR DIE LNDER DER EUROPISCHEN UNION (EG) Es ist verboten, jede Art von Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgerten als unsortierten Siedlungsabfall zu entsorgen: es ist Pflicht, diese separat zu sammeln. Das Abladen dieser Gerte an Orten, die nicht speziell dafr vorgesehen und autorisiert sind, kann gefhrliche Auswirkungen fr Umwelt und Gesundheit haben. [. . . ]