Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] The open API (application programming interface) helps to provide a scalable, country-specific analysis solution for large and complex building structures.
Modeling in Autodesk Revit Structure
Structural Analysis in Robot Structural Analysis
Subscription Benefit As an exclusive Subscription benefit, RobotTM Extensions for Autodesk RobotTM Structural Analysis Professional software extend the capabilities of Autodesk structural analysis tools, providing structural engineers with even more flexibility to achieve their results. Simple tools are available that enable users to extract a large range of data from Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional, and no special programming experience is required.
Bidirectional Links with Autodesk Revit Structure Experience the powerful bidirectional integration of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional and Autodesk Revit Structure software. More smoothly import and export structural models between the two applications by using the Autodesk Revit Extensions analysis link. [. . . ] These analysis algorithms, based on advanced technology, enable engineers to deliver more accurate results faster, helping them to more easily optimize and reanalyze structures and explore a variety of structural configurations.
Wide Range of Analysis Capabilities
Advanced Auto-Meshing and Modeling Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional is a robust structural analysis software application with powerful mesh generation techniques that enable structural engineers to more efficiently work with even more complex models. Automatic mesh definition tools allow for manual manipulation of the mesh, refinement, and meshing around openings of any shape and size. The many meshing tools available enable structural engineers to more quickly create a high-quality finite element mesh on virtually any shape of structure.
State-of-the-Art Analysis Solvers
Advanced Auto-Meshing and Modeling Capabilities
Greater Versatility and Global Analysis
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional software is a comprehensive global analysis application with an open API, delivering more flexibility to analyze and design a broad range of structures.
Reinforced Concrete and Steel Design Solution Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional contains integrated reinforced concrete and steel design modules based on more than 40 international steel codes and 30 reinforced concrete codes, helping to simplify the design process, and assist engineers with selecting and evaluating structural elements.
Extensive Output of Analysis Results Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional provides wide flexibility in obtaining analysis results. Results may be viewed on individual members, parts of the structure, or for the structure as a whole in the forms of diagrams and maps. Tabular results may be easily filtered to show specific data and easily output to spreadsheets for user postprocessing of data.
Extended Capabilities with an Open API The concept of linking applications together to provide a single solution is not new, but few solutions offer the practical approach of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional. This program utilizes component object model (COM) technology as introduced by Microsoft, allowing the solution to be open architecture and openly programmable by any engineer. The open and more flexible API offers an extensive list of possibilities, including integrating Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional software with external programs, such as Microsoft Excel® software, Microsoft Word, and AutoCAD® software; extracting results from Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional; writing postprocessing software, such as special codified analysis for steel, concrete, timber, and aluminum; and the ability to create parametric structures in Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional.
International Design Codes Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional includes more than 60 sections and materials databases from around the world, enabling international projects to be completed more easily. With 70 built-in design codes for an array of countries, structural engineers can work with country-specific section shapes, imperial or metric units, and country-specific building codes within the same integrated model. Multilingual for Global Markets Compete in the global market with Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional. The software supports multinational design teams by providing many languages, including English, French, Romanian, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Chinese, and Japanese. Structural analysis can be performed in one language and output can be generated in another, providing versatility among global teams. Imperial and metric units can be used in combination within the same structural model, providing adaptability to varying environments.
The printout composition feature provides the ability to save tables and model views in a userdefined layout. Results and maps saved in this layout are automatically refreshed after model changes. Printouts can be made directly from printout composition or can be presented in Microsoft® Word editor HTML format.
Building Information Modeling for Structural Engineering A smoother workflow and interoperability with the Autodesk structural engineering BIM solution.
Building information modeling (BIM) is an integrated process built on coordinated, reliable information about a project from design through construction and into operations. [. . . ] Learn more at www. autodesk. com/learning.
Autodesk Services and Support Help accelerate return on investment and optimize productivity with companion products, consulting services, and support from Autodesk and Autodesk authorized partners. Designed to get you up to speed and keep you ahead of the competition, these tools help you make the most of your software--no matter what industry you are in. Autodesk Subscription Autodesk Subscription gives you immediate access to software upgrades and exclusive access to service and support benefits designed to help you get the most out of your Autodesk software. [. . . ]